Holst, Heinrich

Personal Data

Born : 01.02.1921
Place of Birth : Flensburg-Mürwik
Died :
Place of death :
Buried :

Military Data

Rank : OMaat 1945. Hptbtsm 1973.
Serial Number/
date joined navy :
Awards : EK.II. EK.I. Zerst Abz. SportAbz in Gold

Naval record

8.SStA Leer: Schiffsart.-Schule Kiel-Wik u. "AVISO GRILLE": Zerstörer "KARL GALSTER". / "Z 20": Zerstörer "Z 43". (Der Schwarze Panther): MLA Kopenhagen: ab 1956 Bundesmarine: Quelle Horst Koloczek.

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