Ziemer, Oswald

Personal Data

Born : 11.01.1909
Place of Birth : Hamburg
Died :
Place of death :
Buried :

Military Data

Rank : OLt.z.S.d.R.01.10.43.
Serial Number/
date joined navy :
Awards : M.S.Abz.01.01.41. E.K.2. 12.08.41. E.K.1. 19.05.43.

Naval record

6.SPERRBRECHER Flot.(Koppelmaat, OStrm, 2WO. 1WO. Artl. u. Sperr Offz.) 14.09.39-17.01.44. 6.Sich.-Flot Kdt.18.01.44-02.08.44. 4.M.S. Dur Chgang 03.08.44-31.10.44. 17.UJ Flot.01.11.44-ende "UJ 1712".Kdt.

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