Schultz, Karl-Otto

Personal Data

Born : 09.11.1914
Place of Birth : Wesermünde-Lehe
Died : 20.10.1942
Place of death : S.W.of Ireland
Buried :

Military Data

Rank : Lt.z.S.01.04.37. OLt.z.S.20.04.39. KpLt.01.03.42.
Serial Number/
date joined navy :
Crew of 1934
Awards : E.K.2. 27.11.39. U-boat Badge 22.12.39.

Naval record

"GORCH FOCK" (07.34-09.34). "EMDEN" (10.34-06.35). U 22. WO.(1937) 1WO.(12.38-01.40). U 34. Kdt.(05.41-11.41). U 216+ Kdt.(12.41-10.42).

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