Petersen, Klaus

Personal Data

Born : 13.01.1917
Place of Birth : Kiel
Died : 08.09.2014
Place of death :
Buried :

Military Data

Rank : KpLt.01.06.43.
Serial Number/
date joined navy :
Crew of 1936
Awards : DKiG.14.07.44.(U-24).

Naval record

"NÜRNBERG".W.O.(12.38-10.40). U 563. 1WO.(03.41-02.42). U 14. Kdt.(02.42-06.42). U 24. Kdt.(10.42-11.42) (04.43-04.44). U 9. Kdt.(04.44-06.44). Starb der Ehemalige Chef 30th.U Flot.(17.07.44-04.10.44). U 3042. Kdt.(01.45-ende).

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