Berger, Fritz

Personal Data

Born : 15.04.1900
Place of Birth : Allenstein
Died : 27.06.1973
Place of death :
Buried :

Military Data

Rank : Kapt.z.S.01.03.41.
Serial Number/
date joined navy :
Crew of I/1917
Awards : RK.04.08.40.

Naval record

"MÖWE"."SEEADLER"."FALKE".Kdt.10.28-09.30. "BRUNO HEINEMANN" / "Z 8".Kdt.01.38-12.39. Flot.Chef 1.ZerstörerFlot.10.39-04.40. Kdr. Mar.-Reg. Berger bei Narvik 04.40-05.40. Flot.Chef 5. ZerstörerFlot.07.40-07.42. SeeKdt. Oslofjord 09.42-05.43. SeeKdt. Drontheim 05.43-ende.

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