Kohlauf, Franz

Personal Data

Born : 03.12.1910
Place of Birth : Klosterbeuren
Died : 26.04.1944
Place of death : Golfe von Saint Malo
Buried : Ploudaniel-Lesneven block 13. reihe 3. grab 90.

Military Data

Rank : KKapt.01.07.43.
Serial Number/
date joined navy :
Crew of 1933/31
Awards : R.K.29.10.43.

Naval record

"JAGUAR".Kdt.(04.39-10.39). "SEEADLER".Kdt.(10.39-05.40).(08.40-01.42). 3rd.T Flot.Chef.(06.43-09.43). 4th.T Flot.Chef.(09.43-04.44). "T 29"+

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