Hinze, Horst

Personal Data

Born : 13.05.1920
Place of Birth : Kreiensen
Died : 00.00.1978
Place of death : Niestatel
Buried :

Military Data

Rank : OLt.ing.
Serial Number/
date joined navy :
Crew of 1938
Awards : DKiG.29.02.44.

Naval record

Kommandos; U 3524. 1.7.39-12.9.39, "EMDEN". BA. 13.9.39-14.10.39, MLA. 15.10.39-29.2.40, NS Mürwik Lg. 1.3.40-15.6.40, NS Mürwik Lg. 16.6.40-31.1.41, "SAAR". BA. 1.2.41-27.4.41, MS Kiel Lg. 28.4.41-14.6.41, 1.ULD Lg. 15.6.41 1.4.42, 21.U Flot U 23. LI. 2.4.42-24.9.43, U 565. LI. 25.9.42-13.2.44, 29.U Flot z.Vfg. 14.2.44-16.4.44, Agru-Front LI Ausbildungsoffizier. 17.4.44-22.10.44, 3.ULD Kompaniechef. 23.10.44-26.10.44, 8.KLAU U 2581. baubelehrung. 26.10.44-29.1.45, 8.KLAU U 3524. Baubelehrung. 30.1.45-15.2.45, 8.U Flot U 3524. LI. 16.2.45-8.5.45, 5.U Flot. U 3524. LI

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