Heynsen, Rudolf

Personal Data

Born : 22.08.1890
Place of Birth : Eutin
Died : 26.05.1974
Place of death : Hamburg
Buried :

Military Data

Rank : KKapt.d.R.z.V.01.04.43.
Serial Number/
date joined navy :
Crew of 1911
Awards : Iron Cross (1914) 2nd Class u.1st Class. Honour Cross of the World War 1914/1918 .Clasp to the Iron Cross (1939) 2nd Class (8 January 1942)[1] 1st Class (12 June 1942)[1] Minesweeper War Badge (17 July 1941)[1] German Cross in Gold on 13 June 1944 as Korvettenkapitän of the Reserves in the 7. Minensuchflottille[2] Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on 20 April 1945 as Korvettenkapitän of the Reserves zur Verwendung (for disposition) and chief of the 27. Minensuchflottille[3]

Naval record

Kmdt.i.d.13.M.S.-Flott. 05/41-12/42; Chef 13.M.S.-Flott. 12/42-01/43, Chef 27. M.S.-Flott. 01/43-02/45; Kdr. 2.Sich.Stammabt 02/45- 05/45;
RK 20.04.1945.

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