Nummer: 22908a

Area : Mediterranean
Sea area : North African Seaway
Date of attack : 28.12.1941
Nationality of U-boat : German
U-boat : U 75
Commander : Ringelmann
Grid : [CO 9263]
presumed target type : Steam Freighter
presumed tonnage : 4000 BRT
presumed result : sunk
Used weapon(s) : Torpedo(es)
Convoy : TA.6
Date of observation : 28.12.1941
Time of observation : 03:00
Nationality of target : British
Actual type of target : Steam Freighter
Name of target : Volo
Year of launch : 1938
Actual tonnage : 1587 BRT
Actual result : sunk
Position of target : 31.45n 26.48e
Footnote : U-75 reported two ships sunk and a third damaged. - HMS "Peony" reported at 0300 that the believed one ship in convoy had been torpedoed. HMS "Kipling" later reported this ship as S/S "Volo". At 0450 "Kipling" sank U-75 in 31.50n 26.40e and took 21 prisoners. - Convoy TA.6 was running 27.-29.12.1941 mit HMS "Peony" and "Avon Vale" as escorts und HMS "Kipling" and "Legion" as cover force. Merchant ships in convoy are still unknown.
related attacks : Angriff 1
Angriff 2

Convoy : TA.6
Route of convoy : Tobruk-Alexandria
Remark to convoy : Dec.1941 to Jun.1942
updated on: 12.09.2023
Remark: KV TIME2 FN
Changes: 1) 00.02.2013: : Konvoi ME.8 (from ADM WAR DIARY)
2) 20.07.2014: convoyweb.prg: not ME.8
3) 12.09.2023: Laut A. Hague lief convoy AT.6 vom 23.-25/12/1941
Convoy TA.6 lief von 27.-29/12/1941 (siehe ANM)
4) 12.09.2023: ADM WAR DIARY vermeldet Angriffzeit 03.00 a.m.