Nummer: 17408

Area : Western Area
Sea area : Central Atlantic
Date of attack : 05.11.1943
Time of attack : 02:46
Nationality of U-boat : German
U-boat : U 218
Commander : Becker
Grid : EE 4618
presumed target type : Sailing Freight Vessel
presumed tonnage : 900 BRT
presumed result : sunk
Used weapon(s) : Torpedo(es)
Date unsettled / assumed/
dead reckoned :
Nationality of target : British
Actual type of target : Sailing Freight Vessel
Name of target : Beatrice Beck
Year of launch : ..
Actual tonnage : 146 BRT
Actual result : sunk
Position of target : St.John's - Barbados
Footnote : KTB U-218 records information somewhat different yet. U-218 was home bound from a mine laying mission carried out off Port of Spain, Trinidad. - "Beatrice Beck" departed Newfoundland on Oct.11th, 1943. She was expected in Barbados Nov.10th, but did not arrive.

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