Peters, Broder

Persönliche Daten

Geboren : 09.09.1912
Geburtsort : Niebull
Gestorben : 08.01.1941
Todesort : vor Dunkirk 51.05N-02.08.E.
Begraben : Bourdon Block 15. Reihe 9. Grab 319.

Militärische Daten

Rang : OLt.z.S.01.04.39.
Eintrittsdatum :
Crew of 1934
Orden :


5.T Flot."WOLF"+ Kdt.(01.40-01.41). 31.03.1940: Together with the torpedo boat Leopard, the Wolf escorts the auxiliary cruiser Atlantis through the North Sea.
07.04.1940: Operation Weserübung: Wolf joins the torpedo boat Leopard in the Bergen Attack Group.
29-30.04.1940: Together with the destroyers Richard Beitzen and Bruno Heinemann and the torpedo boats Leopard, Kondorand Möwe , the Wolf escorts the mine layers Kaiser , Roland and Preussen while laying the mine feld 17n. The mine layers carry over 1000 mines. The Leopard is lost after being rammed by the mine layer Kaiser. Operation of the 5. Torpedo boat flotilla against the Isle of Wright.
11-12.10.1940: Operation of the 5. Torpedo boat flotilla against the Isle of Wright. The French submarine hunters Ch6 and Ch7 and the British armed trawlers Listrac and Warwick Deepingare sunk.
17-18.10.1940: Operation against the Bristol Channel together with the destroyers Friedrich Ihn , Erick Steinbrinck , Hans Lody , Karl Galster and the torpedo boats Falke , Greif , Jaguar , Kondor , and Seeadler . Short engangement with British cruisers and destroyers.
07-08.01.1940: Mine laying operation of Kondorand Wolf near Dover.
08.01.1941 boat struck a mine shortly before midnight while returning from a mine-laying operation and sank with the loss of 45 crew.

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