Margis, Werner

Persönliche Daten

Geboren : 05.05.1923
Geburtsort :
Gestorben :
Todesort :
Begraben :

Militärische Daten

Rang : Fähnr.z.S.
Eintrittsdatum :
Crew of 1941
Orden :


"SCHARNHORST". U 353. aged 19, was the only one of the two midshipmen to survive. He entered the German Navy in May, 1941, at Stralsund, after which he served for about a year in "Scharnhorst" participating in the Channel dash of early 1942. He then did a course at Flensburg-Mürwik and was appointed to "U 353" during her building. He had never before had anything to do with U Boats. Pow. 16.10.42.

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