Luicke, Karl

Persönliche Daten

Geboren : 01.04.1918
Geburtsort :
Gestorben : 30.04.2004
Todesort :
Begraben :

Militärische Daten

Rang : SanMt
Eintrittsdatum :
Orden :


"ADMIRAL GRAF SPEE". Luicke, Karl. 10th division. Graf Spee: San.Maat. Cédula 861.Born: April 1st, 1918. As a medic he was not formally interned. But he was sent to the Capilla la Vieja internment camp in Cordoba. In May 1943 he was arrested by the police there for allegedly participating in the torture of Fritz Rollin for a lottery winnings affair. (Buenos Aires newspaper article May 14, 1943 in 'The Standard' for more details). On October 8, 1945 he married an Argentine woman, without Arg. Or Navy permission. (Cossavella Oct 15, 1945). Then fled. His Arg. ID 'Tarjeta' has a false photo. No entry about repatriation. Disappears from the scene but reappears circa 1947-8 in Florida, Prov. Buenos Aires, Calle Perú 12333 again. Active in the AGS Kamaradschaftskreis. Date of death 30/4/2004. (Source: Carlos Benemann)

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