Heydebreck, Hans

Persönliche Daten

Geboren : 25.05.1918
Geburtsort : Brandenburg
Gestorben :
Todesort :
Begraben :

Militärische Daten

Rang : MtrGfr
Eintrittsdatum :
Orden :


"ADMIRAL GRAF SPEE". Hydebreck, Hans. (Also known as Hans Heidebreck) Graf Spee: Mtr. Gefr. Cédula 133rd 2nd Division. Born: 25 May 1918 in Brandenburg, Berlin. Interned in Santa Fé on March 29, 1940. From there with Karl Klein fled about June 1942 but was arrested about July 12, 1942 and both were transported to the island of Martin Garcia. Captain Kay reports to the head of the island Capitan Edelmiro Cabello on 19 August 1942 that Hydebreck if he gets vacation soft again fleeting. Nevertheless, he received leave from the island, e.g. on 7 February 1943. In 1944 he was interned in the Sierra de la Ventana camp but then immediately transported to the camp "La Beba" in Florencio Varela. The its remarkable, since this camp was set up just for the safety of Captain Kay (However, Heydebreck's Cédula in Florencio Varela was confused with that of Alois Meyer and this with Gustav Lendzian). Repatriated on 16 Feb 1946 with the Highland Monarch. (Source: Carlos Benemann; NARA; Listado del personal internado en Florencio Varela for Teniente Coronel Alberto Cossavella 23/9/1944; Planilla Prontuarial; Correspondencia, Subsecretario Dr. José Castello Ministerio del Interior y Jefe de la isla Martín Garcia Capitán de Fragata Edelmiro A. Cabello)

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