Lfd. Nr.: 1039

Seegebiet: Westraum
Datum / Zeit: 12./13.11.1941
Ort des Gefechts: near Ruytingen
Angreifer: 50th ML-Flottille
Gefechtsbericht A: Adjustments to the areas selected for mining in Dover Command were made with the introduction of new identity letter "NP" and "NQ" for minelaying operations. "NP" operations were carried out along the Flandrian coast and began with "NP 7" on 12. November 1941. The last known lay "NP 51A" was ordered on 2. October 1942.[1]
erkannte Gegner: Minenunternehmung N.P. 7
Ausgewertete Quellen: 1) Minelaying by Light Coastal Forces in Home Waters 1941-1945 ;
Letzte Änderung: 27.11.2024