Lfd. Nr.: 1015

Seegebiet: Westraum
Datum / Zeit: 06./07.01.1941
Ort des Gefechts: Zuydcoote Passage
Angreifer: 4th MTB mit 2 Booten
Gefechtsbericht A: Coastal Forces minelaying began on 7 January 1941 when 2 MTB's from 4MTB at Felixstowe laid eight ground mines off the Dutch coast in Zuydcote Pass. This was the first of a series of minelaying operations ("PW") of Nore Command along the Flandrian coast, and they were replaced in September by two new identities (QK and QL). Last Operation P.W. 23 on 19 January 1942 [1]. - Die Gemeinde Zuydcoote liegt im äußersten Nordzipfel Frankreichs zwischen Dünkirchen und der belgischen Grenze an der Nordsee. - 2 M.T.B’s with Mines and 1 M.T.B. with Torpedoes and E.S. Gear to lay Mines in position ordered in my 1236/30/12 when ordered by signal. (C. in C. Nore 1230/6 to BEEHIVE).[2]
erkannte Gegner: Mining Operation P.W. 1
Ausgewertete Quellen: 1) Minelaying by Light Coastal Forces in Home Waters 1941-1945 ;
2) Admiralty War Diary, 06.01.1941, page 181 ;
Letzte Änderung: 27.11.2024