27.3.– 5.4.1944
Am 1.4.1944 wird U 673 (Oblt.z.S.
Gehrke) durch den Zerstörer Beagle beschädigt.
Original postwar assessment changed by Axel Niestlé in January 1997. The attack by an Avenger * of 846 Sqn FAA of the escort carrier HMS Tracker and the destroyer HMS Beagle on 1 April 1944 in position 73'07n/10'21e, formerly credited with the destruction of U 355, was actually directed against U 673 inflicting medium damage. U 355 reported last on 1 April 1944 from the approxirnate position 73'03n/13'10e while operating against convoy JW.58. When it thereafter failed repeatedly to report its position, it was posted as missing in the Arctic Sea effective 4 April 1944. There is presently no known explanation for its loss. (Axel Niestlé)