01.10.1940-05.01.1941 | zur Verfügung U-Boot-Waffe / Befehlshaber der U-Boote Org., U.W.O-Lehrgang 1. U.L.D., Pillau. (was attached to the U-Boat service. U-Boat Training Course in the 1st U-Boat Training Division, Pillau.) |
06.01.1941-02.02.1941 | U.T.O-Lehrgang Torpedoschule, Flensburg-Mürwik. (Torpedos Training Course in the Torpedo School Flensburg-Mürwik.) |
03.02.1941-03.03.1941 | U.W.O-Lehrgang Marinenachrichtenschule, Flensburg-Mürwik. (Communications Training Course in Naval Signals School, Flensburg-Mürwik.) |
04.03.1941-29.03.1941 | U.W.O-Flakausbildung Schiffsartillerieschule, Kiel-Wik. (Anti-aircraft Artillery Training in the Naval Artillery School, Kiel-Wik.) |
30.03.1941-03.09.1941 | Zugoffizier 1. Unterseeboots-Lehr-Division, Pillau, am 01.04.1941 befördert Lt.z.S. (Platoon Officer in the 1st U-Boat Training Division, Pillau.) |
04.09.1941-08.10.1941 | Baubelehrung für den 'U 591' in Blohm und Voß, Hamburg / 8. K.L.A., Hamburg (Construction training in the final stage of construction in shipyard under supervision of 8th Warships Training Unit for U-Boats , Hamburg.) |
09.10.1941-30.09.1942 | 1. WO auf 'U 591' [Kdt: Zetzsche] / 6. U-Flottille, Danzig ab 02.1942 St. Nazaire ab 01.07.1942 11. U-Flottille, Bergen. Vom 10.10.1941 bis 22.12.1941 Das Boot in Ausbildung und Erprobungen in der Ostsee nach Indienststellung. Drei Feindfahrten, 72 Seetage. Ein Überführungsfahrten, 4 Seetage. Am 08.04.1942 trifft im Planquadrat AB 84 mit 'U 657' [Kdt: Gollnitz] zusammen. Während des Treffens kollidieren beide Boote, Feindfahrt abgebrochen nach 11 Seetage. (First Watch Officer. From 10.10.1941 to 22.12.1941 The boat in training and trials in the Baltic Sea after commissioning. Three war patrols, 72 days at sea. One transfer trip, 4 days. On 08.04.1942 during the second patrol of the boat during meeting in KM naval grid square AB 84 between U 591 and U 657, the boat was rammed by U 657 [Cdr. Gollnitz] at night when both were on the surface, the U 591 torpedo tube bow caps were damaged, both boats aborted the patrol and returned to Trondheim, repairs on the boat were made after her arrival at 11.04.1942. ) |
01.10.1942-02.11.1942 | KSL 34 24. U-Flottille, Memel. (Qualifying Course for U-Commanding Officer.) |
02.11.1942-05.11.1942 | zur Verfügung 24. U-Flottille, Memel. (was attached to the 24th U-Flotilla, Memel.) |
05.11.1942-24.09.1943 | zur Verfügung 21. U-Flottille, Pillau. Während dieser Zeit zwischen 10.11.1942-15.09.1943 Kommandant 'U 61'/ 21. U-Flottille, Pillau. Schulboot für die Ausbildung. (was attached to the 21st U-Flotilla, Pillau, during this time between 10.11.1942-15.09.1943. Lt.z.S. Wolfgang Ley takes command of U 61 from Oblt.z.S. Horst Geider. School boat for training duties. Oblt. Wolfgang Ley was replaced by Lt.z.S. Rudolf Schultze.) |
27.09.1943-09.05.1945 | Kommandant auf 'U 310' / 8. U-Flottille, Danzig später 7. U-Flottille, St. Nazaire. Sechs Patrouillenfahrten, 128 Seetage. Drei Überführungsfahrten, 10 Seetage. 2 Dampffrachtschiffe 14.395 GRT versenken. (Commander. Oblt.z.S. Wolfgang Ley takes command of U 310 from Oblt.z.S. Klaus Friedland. Completed six war patrols, 128 days at sea. Three transfer trips, 10 days. Sunk 2 steam merchant ships 14.395 GRT. Surrendered at Trondheim-Norway.) |
08.05.1945 | Kriegsgefangen nach Kapitulation. Britische Kriegsgefangenschaft Mai bis August 1945 in Norwegen, dort vom September bis November 1945 im Lazarett und am 05.01.1946 Entlassung. (Detained after capitulation. British prisoner of war from May to August 1945 in Norway, there from September to November 1945 in the hospital. Released on 05.01.1946 in a British dismissal place in north German area.) |