Nummer: 03816

Area : Western Area
Sea area : North Atlantic
Date of attack : 07.12.1940
Time of attack : 22:48
Nationality of U-boat : German
U-boat : U 43
Commander : Lüth
Grid : AL 8225
presumed target type : Steam Freighter
presumed tonnage : 6000 BRT
presumed result : sunk
Number of torpedoes/mines : 1
Used weapon(s) : Torpedo(es)
Date when ship
was reported missed :
Nationality of target : Norwegian
Actual type of target : Steam Freighter
Name of target : Skrim
Year of launch : 1917
Actual tonnage : 1902 BRT
Actual result : sunk
Position of target : North Atlantic
Footnote : U-43 attacked a single ship going west, and observed the ship sinking in 1:03 min. In difference to the torpedo report the logbook (KTB) states 7. Dec. as date of attack. - Possibly the target was "Skrim", missing since Dec.5th.

updated on: 30.04.2018
Remark: DAT1, FN